Uncomplicating the Complicated: Part 3 Fascia & Propioception

We’re back for part 3 of Uncomplicating the Complicated: Fascia.

In part 2 we discussed three fascial lines, the superficial back line, the superficial front line, and the lateral line. We also discussed how these fascial lines transmits force and introduced the concept of tensegrity and how it relates to the fascial system and movement.

Today we’re going to explore the deep frontal line and the spiral line. We’re then going to discuss the interconnectedness between the fascia system, proprioceptive system, and the sympathetic nervous system.

Let’s get started.

The Deep Frontal Line

The deep frontal line is one of the most important fascial lines when it comes to coordinating movement, breathing, and overall function of the body.

It runs from the base of our skull to our foot and along the way connects to the diaphragm, one of the muscles that helps us breathe, our pelvic floor, and the quadratus lumborum, a muscle that helps to stabilize our lower back. The deep frontal line is seen as the “core” fascial line and is better represented as a 3 dimensional balloon that connects our core musculature, the deep flexors of our neck, with fascial extensions into our legs.

Let’s dive deeper.

The Deep Front Line (DFL) is a continuous myofascial structure that connects the deep muscles and tissues of the body, providing essential support and stability to the core and spine. The DFL plays a crucial role in maintaining our body's structural integrity and allowing for efficient force transmission during movement. Here's a more detailed look at the key components of the DFL:

  1. Tibialis posterior: This muscle, located in the lower leg, helps support the arch of the foot and plays a role in plantarflexion and inversion of the foot. It is essential for maintaining foot stability during gait and contributes to the overall support of the DFL.

  2. Flexor digitorum longus: Also found in the lower leg, this muscle helps flex the toes and stabilize the foot during walking or running. It is connected to the tibialis posterior, further emphasizing the interconnected nature of the DFL.

  3. Psoas major: The psoas major is a large muscle that runs from the lumbar spine to the femur, playing a crucial role in hip flexion and stabilization of the lumbar spine. It is a key component of the DFL, providing stability to the lower back and pelvis during movement.

  4. Quadratus lumborum: This muscle, located in the lower back, connects the pelvis to the spine and helps stabilize the lumbar spine during various movements. It is a critical component of the DFL, contributing to core stability and proper spinal alignment.

  5. Diaphragm: The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration and plays a vital role in maintaining proper intra-abdominal pressure during breathing. It is connected to the psoas major and quadratus lumborum, further emphasizing the interconnectedness of the DFL.

  6. Deep cervical flexors: These muscles, located in the neck, help stabilize the cervical spine and maintain proper head posture. They are connected to the DFL through the hyoid bone, ensuring a continuous myofascial connection from the base of the skull to the foot.

  7. Pelvic floor muscles: These muscles form the base of the pelvis, supporting the organs within the pelvic cavity and helping to maintain continence. They are connected to the DFL through the psoas major and quadratus lumborum, providing essential support and stability to the entire DFL structure.

As you have just read the Deep Frontal Line plays a role in a lot and is a crucial myofascial structure that connects the deep muscles and tissues of the body, providing core stability and postural support. The interconnected nature of the DFL highlights the importance of maintaining proper muscle function and flexibility throughout the entire fascial network for optimal movement and biomechanics.

Next, The Spiral Line.

The Spiral Line (SL) is a unique myofascial structure that follows a criss-cross pattern, connecting various muscles across the body to facilitate twisting and rotational movements. This fascial chain plays an essential role in transmitting forces and maintaining balance during complex, multi-planar actions.

Here's a more detailed look at the key components of the SL:

  1. External obliques: These muscles are located on the sides of the abdomen and are responsible for flexing, rotating, and laterally bending the trunk. They form an important part of the SL, connecting the ribs to the pelvis and facilitating rotational movements.

  2. Internal obliques: Found beneath the external obliques, these muscles also contribute to flexing, rotating, and laterally bending the trunk. They work in tandem with the external obliques to generate rotational force and are a critical component of the SL.

  3. Transverse abdominis: The deepest of the abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominis helps stabilize the lumbar spine and maintain intra-abdominal pressure during movement. It connects to the SL via the thoracolumbar fascia and the oblique muscles, further emphasizing the interconnected nature of the fascial network.

  4. Gluteus maximus: The largest muscle in the body, the gluteus maximus is responsible for hip extension and external rotation. It connects to the SL through the sacrotuberous ligament and the thoracolumbar fascia, providing a crucial link between the trunk and the lower extremities.

  5. Adductors: These muscles, located on the inner thigh, help stabilize the hip and contribute to hip adduction. They connect to the SL via the deep fascia of the thigh, ensuring a continuous fascial connection from the pelvis to the knee.

  6. Tibialis anterior: This muscle, found on the front of the lower leg, is responsible for dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot. It connects to the SL through the deep fascia of the leg and plays a role in maintaining balance and coordinating movements during twisting actions.

The Spiral Line's criss-cross pattern allows for the efficient transmission of forces and coordination of movements during activities that involve twisting or rotating motions. By connecting muscles across the body, the SL helps maintain balance and stability during complex actions, such as swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, or executing a dance move. This intricate fascial network highlights the importance of maintaining proper muscle function and flexibility throughout the entire fascial system for optimal biomechanics and movement efficiency.

When it comes to fascia like the Deep Frontal Line, Spiral Line and the other lines we previously mentioned it is clear that the fascial system plays a crucial role in the interconnectedness and coordination of our muscles during movement. However, this complex web of connective tissue is not only vital for maintaining stability and transmitting forces throughout the body; it also has a significant relationship with our nervous system and the perception of pain. In the following section, we will delve into the intricate connection between fascia, the nervous system, and pain, shedding light on how these three elements interact and influence each other in our daily lives.

Fascia and its Relationship with the Central Nervous System and Pain

The fascial network is not only essential for maintaining stability and transmitting forces in our bodies; it also has a significant impact on the central nervous system (CNS) and the way we perceive pain. In this section, we will explore the connection between fascia, the CNS, and pain, and how these elements interact to influence our overall wellbeing.

Fascia as a sensory organ

While fascia helps us transmit force and coordinate movement fascia also plays the role of a sensory organ. Fascia is richly innervated by sensory nerve fibers, such as Ruffini endings, Pacinian corpuscles, and Golgi tendon organs, making it a critical component of our body's proprioceptive system. Proprioception is the sense of our body's position and movement in space, which helps us maintain balance and coordination. The nerve endings embedded in fascia transmit information about mechanical tension and changes in tissue length to the CNS, allowing us to make appropriate adjustments in our posture and movements. Fatigue or injury of muscles and fascia can lead to a loss or decrease in the function of these sensory nerve fibers, impacting our proprioception and movement.

Fascia and the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)

The fascial network is also connected to the SNS, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response. When we experience pain or stress, the SNS is activated, leading to an increase in muscle tension. This can cause myofibroblasts to form, altering motor neuron coordination and changing the stiffness of the tissue, rather than forming trigger points. These changes, in turn, can cause further pain and SNS activation, creating a cycle of stress and discomfort.

Fascial dysfunction and pain

When fascia becomes restricted or damaged due to injury, overuse, or chronic tension, it can impair the function of the muscles it surrounds and limit the transmission of forces through the body. This dysfunction can lead to altered movement patterns, muscle imbalances, and increased stress on joints, potentially resulting in pain and dysfunction. At the cellular level, restricted or damaged fascia may cause an increase in fibroblast activity, leading to fibrosis and a decrease in tissue elasticity and flexibility.

One of the tools we use at Optimize chiropractic is the chiropractic technique QSM3. This technique utilizes the concepts of tensegrity and fascia to help restore movement and function of the fascial systems. This approach focuses on addressing structural imbalances and restrictions within the fascial network, ultimately promoting more efficient movement patterns and reducing the strain on our muscles and joints. By improving the mechanical and neurological aspects of the fascial system, QSM3 can play a vital role in alleviating pain and restoring function.

That’s all for today and I hope you enjoyed Part 3 of Uncomplicating the Complicated. Next for our final part on Fascia we’ll be discussing the concept of Fascial Armoring, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, the role fascia plays in maintaining alignment, and the nuances of alignment when it comes to assessing and working with the fascial system.


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