Time & Getting Back to a Movement Routine

A Guide to Scheduling Your Workout Routine

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and improving overall well-being. However, many people, including me, struggle to maintain a consistent fitness routine due to various obstacles, with time and energy being two of the most common barriers. As someone who knows alot about the benefits of working out and staying consistent with a physical activity routine I still find myself struggling to find the time. One thing that has helped me considerably is taking the time each week to schedule out my entire week and prioritize movement. That’s what we will be exploring today.

The importance of regular physical activity

Engaging in regular physical activity offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. It can help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen muscles and bones, improve cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, reduce stress, and enhance mood. Regular exercise also lowers the risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. In fact the 5 of the top causes of death are drastically reduce through exercise and nutrition.

Common obstacles to maintaining a fitness routine (time and energy)

Despite the well-known benefits of regular physical activity, many people find it challenging to maintain a consistent fitness routine. One of the most common obstacles is the perceived lack of time. With busy work schedules, family responsibilities, and social commitments, it can be difficult to find dedicated time for exercise. Additionally, low energy levels, especially after a long day, can make it harder to find the motivation to work out. That’s why when it comes to starting and maintaining a fitness or moment routine scheduling out your week can make a huge difference and help you overcome the time aspect that holds so many of us back.

Benefits of Scheduling Your Workouts

Ensures consistency and commitment

Scheduling your workouts in advance helps ensure consistency and commitment to your fitness routine. By treating your workouts as important appointments, you are more likely to follow through and make exercise a non-negotiable part of your day. This approach helps you establish a routine and build the habit of regular physical activity.

When you schedule your workouts, you are making a commitment to yourself and your health. This commitment serves as a powerful motivator, encouraging you to show up even on days when you might feel less enthusiastic. Over time, the consistency you maintain through scheduling will lead to improved fitness, increased strength, and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Helps prioritize fitness as a part of your daily life

Incorporating your workouts into your daily schedule helps prioritize fitness as an essential aspect of your life. By allocating specific time slots for physical activity, you are acknowledging the importance of exercise and making it a key component of your routine, just like work, meals, and sleep.

Scheduling your workouts also helps you create a balanced lifestyle. When you prioritize fitness alongside your other responsibilities, you are more likely to experience improved overall well-being. Regular exercise can increase your energy levels, boost your mood, and enhance your productivity in other areas of life, creating a positive feedback loop that reinforces the importance of maintaining a consistent fitness routine.

Minimum Recommended Physical Activity

Research shows that adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with two sessions of strength training. However, this doesn’t have to be all at one time or broken down into specific chunks. You can take the above recommendations and space it out throughout your week to make it fit your schedule.

150 minutes of walking, jogging, or yoga per week

To meet the minimum recommended amount of aerobic activity, you can engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking, jogging, pilates, yoga, or any other activity that increases your heart rate to a spot that you’re able to maintain for 20—45 minutes. This can be broken down into smaller, manageable sessions, such as 30 minutes of activity five days a week or even shorter 10-minute bouts of exercise throughout the days and week.

2 sessions of strength training for at least 30 minutes each

In addition to aerobic activity, adults should also incorporate strength training exercises into their fitness routine. The recommendation is to engage in at least two sessions of strength training per week, with each session lasting a minimum of 30 minutes. Strength training can include bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, or weightlifting, targeting major muscle groups such as the chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, and core. While 2 sessions of strength training is the recommendation there can be more benefits by increasing the time and sessions, but 2 sessions of strength training a week is a great place to start and a great place for many individuals to start to see benefits and maintain the benefits of strength training like; improved metabolism, more energy, and stronger bones.

How to Schedule Your Workouts

Set aside dedicated time each week to plan your schedule

To effectively schedule your workouts, set aside dedicated time each week to plan your schedule. Choose a day and time when you can sit down and review your upcoming commitments, such as work meetings, family obligations, and social events. for me this is first thing Monday morning. I am working on trying to do it Sunday night so I can roll into Monday even more prepared but I’ve yet to be consistent with the Sunday evening planning. Remember it’s okay to try different things and explore different ways of planning and executing your fitness routine. The key is continuing to try and stay consistent.

When planning your schedule, consider your personal preferences and lifestyle. Some people prefer to exercise in the morning, while others find it easier to work out in the evening or during their lunch break. Identify the times that work best for you and prioritize your workouts accordingly. Remember to be realistic and allow for some flexibility, as unexpected events may arise.

Identify available time slots for physical activity

Once you have an overview of your weekly schedule, identify the available time slots for physical activity. Look for consistent windows of time that you can dedicate to your workouts, such as early mornings before work, lunch breaks, or evenings after dinner. Aim to find at least three to five time slots per week that you can consistently commit to exercise.

Consider the duration of your workouts as well. While the minimum recommended amount of physical activity is 150 minutes per week, you can break this down into shorter sessions to fit your schedule. For example, you might allocate 30 minutes for a workout on weekdays and plan for longer sessions on weekends when you have more free time. For myself I know I can get two one hour workouts in on Saturday and Sunday. Knowing that I then go through my schedule and find the other days where I can fit in a 15 minute yoga session, a 30 minute walk, or a nice jog.

Tips for Sticking to Your Fitness Schedule

Start small and gradually increase the duration and intensity

When beginning a new fitness routine, it's essential to start small and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. This approach helps prevent burnout and reduces the risk of injury. Begin with shorter, less intense workouts and focus on building consistency. As your fitness level improves and you become more comfortable with your routine, you can gradually increase the length and intensity of your sessions.

Starting small also helps you build confidence and momentum. Celebrate the small victories, such as completing your planned workouts for the week or noticing improvements in your energy levels. These positive experiences will motivate you to continue progressing and challenge yourself further.

Find activities you enjoy to maintain motivation

To maintain motivation and make your fitness routine more enjoyable, focus on finding activities that you genuinely enjoy. Engaging in exercises that you look forward to will make it easier to stick to your schedule and view physical activity as a positive and rewarding experience.

Explore various types of workouts, such as dancing, swimming, hiking, cycling, or team sports, to discover what resonates with you. Don't be afraid to try new activities or mix up your routine to keep things interesting. When you find exercises that bring you joy and satisfaction, you'll be more likely to prioritize them in your schedule and maintain a consistent fitness routine.

Scheduling your fitness routine is a powerful strategy for making physical activity a consistent and prioritized part of your life. By setting aside dedicated time for workouts, you ensure commitment, better time management, and the ability to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Remember to start small, gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts, and focus on finding activities that you enjoy.

To help you get started with scheduling your fitness routine, we've provided downloadable calendar templates that you can use to plan your workouts. These templates are designed to make it easy for you to identify available time slots, track your progress, and stay organized. Click the links in the blog post to access and download the templates in PDF format.

Consistency Is Key

Finally, remember that consistency is key to achieving your fitness goals. By committing to your scheduled workouts and making physical activity a regular part of your routine, you'll experience the numerous benefits of exercise, including improved health, increased energy, and enhanced overall well-being. Stay motivated, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the journey towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Weekly Calendar

Weekly Calendar By Hour

As always I hope you enjoyed this blog and If you need helping with starting a fitness and movement routine reach out to me at drcoffman@optimizecolumbus.com.


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